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Content Re-Optimization After Penguin Update

We know that after Google Penguin Update many of us affected.We want to recover our sites from this update.Your recent posts may be great but your older post may be not as much as smart comparing with your older posts,and may be for your older posts Google's don't likes your overall site.So today i am going to tell you what is content Re-Optimization and how to do this.
"If you are interested about what is Google Penguin Update, and how to recover it.Then you can read those posts below."
Google Penguin Update
Recover From Google Penguin Update
google penguin update

What Is Content Re-Optimization

Do you know what is content re-optimization?Okay don't worry i will tell you whats that.Content re-optimizing means optimizing your conten again.You might be optimized your content before,but after Google Penguin Update your old content is not attracted by the Google SERP.So if you thinks that your older SEO method or your older contents are not appropriate as Google wants,then you may re-optimize your content,and this is called content re-optimization.

If you want to learn some White Hat SEO methods then you may read posts below:

Some Wrong Thoughts About SEO 
Content Optimization For Better SEO

How To Re-Optimize Content After Google Penguin Update

Anchor Text

Anchor text play an important role in SEO.If you have used irrelevant keywords in before posts.So you can make it relevant by editing your posts.

Reduce Over Optimization

If you had over optimized your before posts.You have to maintain those optimizations by reducing.

Proper Image

If you haven't used proper image in your posts,then you have to change those image for get better results.

Content Analyzing

If you are using Google's webmaster tools or any other tools then you can easily find out the most using keywords for your site.If you think that your some posts are not obtaining in search results then you have to re-optimize those posts.
Read this post below to learn about website analyzing:
Your some older posts may be full of too many images or HTML,so that this links take too much time to open.You have to reduce some non useful gadgets or images or videos from those posts.

Update Posts

Sometimes you have to update your posts in many reason,For example Alertpay is now Payza,but you have written a post about how to create an Alertpay account,but at this time this don't have any value.So you have to take care of this.

Note:Only re-edit your posts if you are not getting much traffic from your older posts,if you are getting satisfactory traffic then you don't have to make any change. 

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  1. Awesome article, this is very interesting news! I have heard a lot about the Penguin Update lately because I have just started a career in SEO. So I have been trying to read any and everything I can find on it since it has such a huge impact on my work. This was very helpful, thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. Great tips for content re- optimization, after updated Google Penguin we have to pay more attention about keywords stuffing, quality of content and much more things. You provide best information in this post that will be really helpful to produce high quality content that really helpful get good ranking in major search engine results listing.

    Guaranteed SEO
