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Google New Penguin Update Coming Soon

Yes what you are hearing its true.Google new Penguin update is coming very soon with new algo,what and when this Penguin update will arrive is not clear but it is may be come in this August or September 2012. Recently we have faced Google's Panda update and some webmasters got great advantage of it and some are penalized by the Google.Google is the boss of all.Recently Google's engineers are very much busy with this new update.Matt Cutt,the head of Google search spam said that Penguin will arise very soon.So lets see what will happen.
If you are new in the SEO world then you may look at those White Hat SEO which will help you to protect your site from this new update.
How To Make Crowler Friendly Site
Content Optimization For Better SEO
On Page Optimization 

Possible Feature Of New Google Penguin Update

Note:Only Google know what will they do,but i am sharing my own experience and my thought.
So don't misunderstand me.
  • Google will through into dustbin to all kinds of spammers.
  • Google may don't like any kinds of SEO techniques.
  • Google will penalize those sites who have created unnatural backlinks.
  • Google may only like high authority backlinks.
  • Google may don't like blog commenting.
  • Google will surely penalize those sites who have been using automated tools.
  • Google may only show paid ads on first page.
  • We all now that Google likes the quality content,so Google will only like those sites who have quality and unique content.
  • Google have created a software which automatically detect those sites who have copy pasted,so Google will unlike those kinds of sites who have been using it.
  • Google will don't like those sites who have been building backlinks by profile.
  • Google may unlike those sites which take much times for loading.
  • Google may punish those sites which is not related to its niche.
  • Google may put down those sites who are over optimized.
  • Google will unlike those sites which are full with widgets.
  • Google may don't like those sites which is not redirected to social media.
  • Google may penalize those site which are listed with too many poor directories.
So lets see what Google will do.If you want to share any other possible features which are not listed here you are allowed to give it by comments.
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah i also think so,what about your site?is it affected or not?
