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Difference Between Google Adsense And Bidvertiser

Google adsense vs bidvertiser
Google Adsense is the most popular publisher network comparing with bidvertiser. But it also have some different rules and regulations which is very difficult for many peoples to maintain. So today I will highlight some differences between google adsense and Bidvertiser.

Differences between google adsense and Bidvertiser: 

Advantages of bidvertiser are: 

1. They give advertise in Bengali website. 
2. They approve the sites easily that are submitted. 
3. There are no hard conditions, like I have clicked on my site several sites. 
4. You can withdraw minimum 10 dollars by PayPal and 100 dollars check, and money will be paid in 30th of each month. 
5. Yesterday I got a payment of 100 dollars plus 8 dollars of convage bonus. 
6. Bidvertiser will fix the payment you will get per click at the initial stage and payment will be equal in all clicks. Like for each click in an Bengali site, you will get 3 t 10 cents, and in English or good quality sites you will get up to 1 dollar per click.
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They don’t give much image ads, rather they give more text ads. You have to set the code at the same site you have taken the ads. You have to take different codes of every sites. 

Google adsense: 

1. They don’t approve account easily. 
2. Bengali sites don’t take adsense. 
3. There are many conditions applied. The huge advantage of google adsense is they give more image ads so there are more chances to click. The ones who hasn’t got google adsense, can easily take ads from bidvertiser. And those hwo are google adsense publisher, I will recommend you to view other websites besides Google Adsense, you can see here or join bidvertiser. Thank you. Share your comments.
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